
about me | graphics | pets | shrines | links


just a little vampire trying to make his first website. this site isn't coded for mobile viewing and is best viewed on a 1920 x 1080 monitor.

i made this site after being inspired by so many others. this site is a collection of things i love and want to archive and document, whether that's physical items i collect or information and media. i kept having the idea of a shrine dedicated to european musicals with a threatre to watch shows as well as a way to catalogue all the information i've been hoarding in my pc and brain about my favourite austrian musicals. but i have shrines for more things including different vampire media, toys and bands.

waring: the graphics page contains flashing gifs and images that may cause eye strain.

update log

2024.09.03 added 19 more entries to the marvel lgbt+ characters masterlist shrine, letters A-C are done.

2024.09.03 added 26 more entries to the marvel lgbt+ characters masterlist shrine.

2024.09.02 added 39 more entries to the marvel lgbt+ characters masterlist shrine.

2024.09.01 made the marvel lgbt+ characters shrine, made the template for enteries, wrote the intro, picked the colours and background, then started adding entries, got 20 entries added.

2024.08.07 made first entires to the masterlist of european musicals shrine, got 2 musicals and all their productions added.

2024.08.05 made shrines page, made european musical page. both pages are not finished, i just wanted to get the titles and links up, but i plan to make them look nicer.

2024.07.31 kins page: finished making kin images, uploaded them to site.

2024.06.28 kins page: added the 'synpath' heading, made kin image template.

2024.06.27 about me page: added (stamps because the favourites section just being a wall of text looked bad, made new stamps where needed, took quizzes and added them, added links to other pages. kin page: created page, made rows and columns, wrote intro and added placeholder text to the rest of the grid.

2024.06.26 about me page: wrote about me paragraph, added id buttons, wrote up all my favourites lists.

2024.06.25 started making 'about me' page. just wanted to add more rows to the grid and couldn't get it to work and kept erasing the code and rewriting it for an hour before i got it to work :(

2024.06.22 homepage: added this update log, finish stamp maquee, decided to display stamps that reflect my own likes in rainbow order, figured out how to make it alternate scrolling direction, linked the stamps to the creators when i've know that info, added buttons and made some buttons.

2024.06.19 graphics page: resized all the stamps i made, finished deleting them, added them all back.

2024.06.10 added graphics page: background, hit counter, navigation text, started to add stamps i'd made (598 over 2 days) only to find out most were the wrong size. have to delete them from neotcities one by one... that's going to take a while.

2024.06.09 homepage: wrote welcome text, started to make stamp marquee. pets page: added background, added hit counter, made and added the side banner image colalges of toys.

2024.06.08 used f2u theme "melody" by fujoshi as base for site. worked on editing the homepage: changed colours, added background, made and added banner, made Mori in gifphypet and added him to the site, added navigation links, added hit counter, removed all placeholder text. added 'pets' page, made 6 pets in gifyphypet (mori, julia, kirby, antos, creature and aslan).

2024.06.07 made neocities account.