A Masterlist of Every European Musical

European Musicals have been my biggest special interest since 2020 and in June 2021 I became curious about how many European Musicals there are and started a word document where I listed every euro musical I could find with information about. The plan was once it was done I would have to share it as a google doc as it would be far too long with too many links for a Tumblr post but once I started making this neocities site I realised I could house it here and make it look more aesthetically pleasing as well.

What counts as a European musical? Any musical that premiered in mainland Europe (the UK doesn't count, I will be counting countries that cross over Europe and Asia). This usually this also means the musical wasn't originally in English but isn't always the case.

Why? I can't say why my brain is so fixated and in love with this topic, but the reason for wanting to share it isn't just because i love it, but because Broadway (USA) and West End (UK) musicals are so well known and any other sort of musical doesn't get anywhere near as much attention. There's many musical theatre fans who don't even know there are musicals made in other countries that aren't in English and I think that's sad. so many of these musicals are worth watching/listening too and I want to be able to help spread the word of them and give them more attention.

How is this list organised? It's numbers first, then alphabetical but without including the word 'the' (or it's equivlent in other languages (eg 'die' 'les', etc). For each musical I've included it's poster/dvd cover/album cover, date premiered, country first premiere in, original language, it's castalbums and wikipedia listings (if it has any), composer and lyricist. Then different productions it's had and their respective trailer, where to stream/download audio, where to stream/download video, if a cast album or proshot (professional shot video eg a DVD, cinema release, livestream, etc, not all proshots get DVD releases) exists, cast info, and my personal notes. I encourage people to purcahse CDs and DVDs and support musicals finicially, I only don't list where to purcahse CDs and DVDs here as many of these musicals that have CDs and DVDs released them a long time ago and are no longer in production and so they're either impossible to find, rare, or can only be found via luck on second hand marketplaces like Ebay. I will however link below any websites that carry a lot of European musical merch for you to browse yourselves.

There's a musical I know that isn't on this list? Send me an ask or dm over on @europeanmusicals on tumblr.

Helpful websites, links, and other European musical guides I've made:

europeanmusicals tumblr blog | ‘So you want to get into non-English language musicals?’ my first guide post | Where to watch and listen to non-English language musicals?’ another guide post by me | castalbums.org, an online catalogue (lists every recording but you can't stream or download them from here) of all officially released musical audios and videos | encora, an online catalogue (lists every recording but you can't stream or download them from here) of unofficial musical audios and videos | soundofmusic shop, a German based store that sells official European musical merch, CDs, DVDs, etc

List last updated: 2024.08.07

Les 3 Mousquetaires

(The 3 Musketeers)

French | Paris, France | 2016 | Various

CastAlbums | Wikipedia

Cast Album CDs and Singles | Blu-Ray/DVD

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video (Proshot, no subtitles) | Download Video

Cast List: Olivier Dion (D’Artagnan), Damien Sargue (Aramis), Brahim Zaibat (Athos), David Ban (Porthos), Emji (Milady de Winter), Golan Yosef (Duc de Buckingham), Victoria Sio (La Reine)

Understudies, Alternates, Standbys, Replacements and Swings:

3 Musketiers

(3 Musketeers)

Dutch | Rotterdam, Netherlands | 2003 | Ferdi Bolland/Rob Bolland

CastAlbums | Wikipedia

Highlight Cast Album CD | DVD with English and German subtitles

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video (Proshot, is missing some minutes of footage between 'part 14' and 'part 15', missing subtitles some of that footage too) | Download Video

Cast List: Bastiaan Ragas (D'Artagnan), Tooske Breugem (Constance), Henk Poort (Athos), Cees Geel (Porthos), Rein Kolpa (Aramis), Pia Douwes (Milady De Winter), Stanley Burleson (Cardinal Richelieu), Ellen Evers (Queen Anna), Christo van Klaveren (King Louis XIII/Theatre Leader), Bart de Vries (Lord Buckingham/D'Artagnan's Father), Ids van der Krieke (Rochefort/James), Jordi Hulshof (Swing)

Replacements: Joost de Jong (D'Artagnan), Marleen van der Loo (Queen Anna)

3 Musketiere

German | Berlin, Germany | 2005

Highlight Cast Album CD | No Proshot Exists

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video

Cast List: Patrick Stanke (D'Artagnan), Sabrina Weckerlin (Constance), Marc Clear (Athos), Christian Schleicher (Porthos), Mathias Schleicher (Aramis), Pia Douwes (Milady De Winter), Uwe Kröger (Cardinal Richelieu), Kristin Hölck (Queen Anna), Norbert Kohler (King Louis XIII), Cusch Jung (Rochefort), Nikolas Gerdell (Lord Buckingham), Oliver Mulich (James/Theatre Leader)

Understudies, Alternates, Standbys, Replacements and Swings: Marcus Hezel (D'Artagnan), Susanna Panzer (Milady De Winter u/s), Marc Clear (Cardinal Richelieu u/s), Ann Christin Elverum (Queen Anna), Susanna Panzner (Queen Anna), Karim Khavatmi (King Louis XIII), Patrick Stamme (James/Theatre Leader)

A 3 Testőr

Hungary | Budapest, Hungary| 2006

Highlight Cast Album CD | No Proshot Exists

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video | Download Video

Cast List: Magyar Bálint/Bot Gábor (D'Artagnan), Füredi Nikolett/Nyári Szilvia (Constance), Tokaji Csaba (Athos), Détár Enikõ/Keresztes Ildikó (Milady de Winter), Feke Pál (Cardinal Richelieu), Benedekffy Katalin (Queen Anne), Kautzky Armand, Szatmári Attila, Hajtó Aurél, Jegercsik Csaba,, Borbás Erika, Farkas Gábor, Csaba Győri, Kelemen István, Rékasi Károly, Ottó Magócs, Bálint Magyar, Turek Miklós, Benkő Nóra, Oberfrank Pál, Nóra Réder, Czvetkó Sándor, György Szomor, Arany Tamás, Gábor Urmai, Cservenák Vilmos

Understudies, Alternates, Standbys, Replacements and Swings:

3 Musketiere

German | Stuttgart, Germany | 2006

Highlight Cast Album CD | No Proshot Exists

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video (Bootleg, no subtitles) | Download Video

Cast List: Thomas Hohler/Rasmus Borkowski (D'Artagnan), Nadine Schreier (Constance), Marc Clear (Athos, Cardinal Richelieu u/s), Enrico de Pieri (Porthos), Jens Janke/Mathias Sanders (Aramis), Pia Douwes/Kristin Hölck (Milady De Winter), Ethan Freeman (Cardinal Richelieu), Ann Christin Elverum (Queen Anna), Peter Stassen (King Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu u/s), Daniele Nonnis (Rochefort), Kevin Tarte (Lord Buckingham), Gerben Grimmuis (James/Theatre Leader), Mona Graw (Ensemble), Alexander Bellinkx (Porthos u/s, Buckingham u/s, Swing), Helena Blöcker (Milady de WInter u/s, Ensemble), Gerben Grimmius (James u/s, Ensemble), Sabrina Harper (Queen Anna u/s, Ensemble), Maik Lohse (James u/s, Ensemble), Artur Molin (King Louis u/s, Ensemble), Mark Riemer (Athos u/s, Aramis u/s. Ensemble), Martin Schäffner (King Louis u/s, Swing), Tobias Weis (Aramis u/s, D'Artagnan u/s, Ensemble), Jochen Schmidtke (Robert u/s, Fight Captain, Swing), Annemieke van Dam (Constance u/s, Ensemble), Hannes Staffler (Porthos u/s, Buckingham u/s, Swing), Paul Stampehl (Rochefort u/s, Assitant Fight Captain, Swing), Anna Thorén (Queen Anne u/s), Jan Altenbockum (Ensemble), Oliver Arno (Ensemble), Michel Driesse (Ensemble), Kevin Foster (Ensemble), Niklas-Philipp Gertl (Ensemble), Simone Geyer (Ensemble), Andrew Hill (Ensemble), Michael John (Ensemble), Martin Planz (Ensemble), Oliver Polenz (Ensemble), Birgit Wanka (Ensemble), Katarina Trinkewitzova (Ensemble), Christoph Trauth (Ensemble), Tressa Rose Schreiber (Ensemble), Till Schubert (Ensemble), Jo Shanks (Ensemble), Michael Svensson (Ensemble), Amanda Thiele (Ensemble), Michael Toutountsidis (Ensemble), Axel Baer (Swing), Nils Haberstroh (Swing), Ivo Giacomozzi (Swing), Stéphane Le Breton (Swing), Nikolaus Meder (Swing), Nina Susanne Ungerer (Swing), Kimberly Trees (Swing), David Hartland (Dance Captain, Swing), Karen Selig (Constance u/s, Swing)

Understudies, Alternates, Standbys, Replacements and Swings:

3 Musketiere

German | Tecklenburg, Germany | 2010

No Cast Album Exists | Proshot Not Commercially Released

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video | Download Video

Cast List: Thomas Hohler (D'Artagnan), Lisa Antoni (Constance), Marc Clear (Athos), Enrico de Pieri (Porthos), Jens Janke (Aramis), Femke Soetenga (Milady De Winter), Yngve Gasoy Romdal (Cardinal Richelieu), Wietske van Tongeren (Queen Anna), Lars Kemter (King Louis XIII), Paul Stampehl (Rochefort), Harald Tauber (Lord Buckingham), Stefan Poslovski (James/Theatre Leader), Anne Welte (Mother), Jan Altenbockum (Ensemble), Hakan T. Aslan (Ensemble), Juliane Bischoff (Ensemble), Sophie Blümel (Ensemble), Kevin Foster (Ensemble), Philipp Georgopoulos (Ensemble), Nils Haberstroh (Ensemble), Marius Hatt (Ensemble), Andrew Hill (Ensemble), Angela Hunkeler (Ensemble), Jessica Krüger (Ensemble), Esther-Larissa Lach (Ensemble), Kristian Lucas (Ensemble), Daniela Römer (Ensemble), Till Schubert (Ensemble), Silja Schenk (Ensemble), Julian Sylva (Ensemble)


3 Musketiere

German | Touring Production, Germany | 2013-2014

No Cast Album Exists | No Proshot Exists

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video | Download Video

Cast List: Patrick Stanke (D'Artagnan), Kirstin Hesse (Constance), Sascha Pazdera (Athos), Peter Bold (Porthos), Thomas Kuhnen (Aramis), Maricel (Milady De Winter), Michael Thinnes (Cardinal Richelieu), Iris Makis (Queen Anna)

Replacements: Jesper Tydén (D'Artagnan), Jessica Kessler (Constance), Marc Clear (Athos), Dirk Siebenmorgen (Porthos), Christian Bindert (Aramis), Anna Thorén (Milady De Winter), Beatrix Reiterer (Queen Anna), Gregor Eckert (King Louis XIII), Michael Heuel (Rochefort), Gabriel Marian Skowerski (Lord Buckingham)

3 Musketiere

German | Wiesbaden, Germany | 2018

No Cast Album Exists | No Proshot Exists

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video | Download Video

Cast List: Tim Speckhardt/Benjamin Link (D'Artagnan), Denia Gilberg/Lisa Krämer (Constance), Norman Hofmann/Tim Speckhardt (Athos/D'Artagnan's Father), Benjamin Geipel/Leonard Linzer (Porthos), Immanuel Mich/Brandon Miller (Aramis), Felicitas Geipel/Viktoria Reese (Milady De Winter), Rainer Maaß/Peter Emig (Cardinal Richelieu), Meike Roth/Ilka Ludwig (Queen Anna), Lars Kemter (King Louis XIII), Brandon Miller/Yannic Noel Blauert (Lord Buckingham), Norman Dobrovsky/David Gentner/Linnert Finn Arndt (Rochefort), Stefan Poslovski (James/Theatre Leader), Dwayne Gilbert Besier (Ensemble), Yannic Noel Blauert (Ensemble), Christian Sattler (Ensemble), Ben Elsäßer (Ensemble), Helen Graffert (Ensemble), Viviana Indraccolo (Ensemble), Helena Finatzer (Ensemble), Katharina Hoffmann (Ensemble), Lisa Schaar (Ensemble), Janina Jost (Ensemble), Nick Malkewitz (Ensemble), Philipp Fukazawa (Ensemble), Camillo Guthmann (Ensemble), Konstantin Lohnes (Ensemble), Joris Brauburger (Ensemble), Sebastian Wieland (Ensemble), Leonard Linzer (Ensemble), Ben Elsäßer (Ensemble), Coco Brell (Ensemble), Yara Mimi Höhn (Ensemble), Rosali Bauroth (Ensemble), Norman Dobrovsky (Ensemble), Yannic Noel Blauert (Ensemble), Ben Elsäßer (Ensemble), Konstantin Lohnes (Ensemble), Philipp Fukazawa (Ensemble), Daniel Schulte (Ensemble), Daniel Windrig (Ensemble), Miriam Rogowski (Ensemble), Esra Bücker (Ensemble), Helena Finatzer (Ensemble), Katharina Hofmann (Ensemble), Meike Roth, Ilka Ludwig (Ensemble), Helen Graffert (Ensemble), Viviana Indraccol (Ensemble)o, Denia Gilberg (Ensemble), Lisa Krämer (Ensemble)


3 Musketiere

German | Magdeburg, Germany | 2019-2020

No Cast Album Exists | No Proshot Exists

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video | Download Video

Cast List: Florian Peters (D'Artagnan), Katia Bischoff (Constance), Lucius Wolter (Athos), Benjamin Eberling (Porthos), Dániel Rákász (Aramis), Katja Berg (Milady De Winter), Patrick Stanke/Armin Kahl (Cardinal Richelieu), Jeanett Neumeister (Queen Anna), Lars Kemter (King Louis XIII), Johannes Wollrab (Rochefort), Andreas C. Meyer (Lord Buckingham), Christoph Bangerter (James/Theatre Leader)


3 Musketiere

German | Augsburg , Germany | 2023.06

No Cast Album Exists | No Proshot Exists

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video | Download Video

Cast List: Florian Peters/Christopher Dederichs (D'Artagnan), Larissa Hartmann (Constance), Hannes Staffler (Athos), Patrick L. Schmitz (Porthos), Dennis Weissert (Aramis), Katja Berg/Susanna Panzner (Milady De Winter), Alexander Franzen (Cardinal Richelieu), Luise von Garnier (Queen Anna), Lars Kemter (King Louis XIII), Sebastian Müller-Stahl (Rochefort/D'Artagnan's Father), Erik Völker (Lord Buckingham), Marina Lötschert (James/Theatre Leader), Gerhard Werlitz (Ensemble), Carola Bach/Jutta Lehner (D'Artagnan's Mother), Markus Hauser (Ensemble)


3 Musketiere

German | Klingenberg am Main, Germany | 2023.07

No Cast Album Exists | No Proshot Exists

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video | Download Video

Cast List:


3 Musketiere

German | Meppen, Germany | 2024

No Cast Album Exists | No Proshot Exists

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video | Download Video

Cast List: Jörn Tallen (D'Artagnan), Deborah Pante (Constance), Kai Rupek (Athos), Florian Lake (Porthos), Thomas Hüstermann (Aramis), Julia Felthaus (Milady De Winter), Ulrich Kaßburg/Leonard Linzer (Cardinal Richelieu), Jana Schnöing/Heike Wösten (Queen Anna), Lars Kemter (King Louis XIII), Oliver Schulte (Rochefort), Frank Hildebrandt (Lord Buckingham), Stefan Poslovski (James/Theatre Leader), Thomas Kemper (D'Artagnan's Father), Thomas Lake (Ensemble), Helge Drosten (Ensemble), Stefan Over (Ensemble), Jay Kampmeier (James), Wiebke Billek (Conférencier), Sonja Kaßburg (Ensemble), Inge Tibben (Ensemble), Heidi Drenger (Ensemble), Johanna Westrup (Ensemble), Maja Pater (Ensemble), Lena Hüser (Ensemble), Ina Streeck (Ensemble), Carolin Devermann (Ensemble), Julia Hüer (Ensemble), Miriam Dojan (Ensemble), Fabia Jansen (Ensemble), Daniela Strodt (Ensemble), Ayleen Wolters (Ensemble), Jannik Thole (Ensemble), Niko Hüser/Martin Hülsmann (Pommes de Terres), Falk Strecker (Ensemble), Henry Niesing (Ensemble), Florian Janssen (Ensemble), Maarten Kaßburg (Ensemble), Max Brümmer (Ensemble), Johannes Platt (Ensemble), Niklas Berentzen (Ensemble), Max Egbers (Ensemble), Niko Hüser (Ensemble), Jay Kampmeier (Ensemble), Wiebke Billek (Ensemble), Sonja Kaßburg (Ensemble), Inge Tibben (Ensemble), Heidi Drenger (Ensemble), Johanna Westrup (Ensemble), Maja Pater (Ensemble), Lena Hüser (Ensemble), Ina Streeck (Ensemble), Carolin Devermann (Ensemble), Julia Hüer (Ensemble), Miriam Dojan (Ensemble), Fabia Jansen (Ensemble), Daniela Strodt (Ensemble), Susanne Voskuhl (Ensemble), Ayleen Wolters (Ensemble), Jessica Rolfes (Ensemble), Marina Kiltau (Ensemble), Thomas Kemper (Ensemble), Frank Hildebrandt (Ensemble), Thomas Lake (Ensemble), Helge Drosten (Ensemble), Stefan Over (Ensemble), Jannik Thole (Ensemble), Niko Hüser (Ensemble), Max Egbers (Ensemble), Falk Strecker (Ensemble), Henry Niesing (Ensemble), Florian Janssen (Ensemble), Maarten Kaßburg (Ensemble), Max Brümmer (Ensemble), Johannes Platt (Ensemble), Niklas Berentzen (Ensemble)


3 Musketiere

German | Tecklenburg, Germany | 2024

No Cast Album Exists | No Proshot Exists

Trailer | Stream Audio | Download Audio | Stream Video | Download Video

Cast List: Raphael Groß (D'Artagnan), Celena Pieper (Constance), Filippo Strocchi (Athos), Benjamin Eberling (Porthos), Fin Holzwart (Aramis), Bettina Mönch (Milady De Winter), Alexander di Capri (Cardinal Richelieu), Navina Heyne (Queen Anna), Martin Pasching (King Louis XIII), Christian Schöne (Rochefort), Florian Albers (Lord Buckingham), Nicolai Schwab (Conferencier), Lara Schitto (Ensemble), Giulia Fabris (Ensemble), Janina Niehus (Ensemble), Romina Markmann (Ensemble), Esther Larissa Lach (Ensemble), Laura Araiza (Ensemble), Lisa Kolada (Ensemble), Jenny Kohl (Ensemble), Nadine Baas (Ensemble), Joana Henrique Jakobs (Ensemble), Christian Rosprim (Ensemble), Tim Grimme (Ensemble), Jan Altenbockum (Ensemble), Oriol Tula (Ensemble), Nicolai Schwab (Ensemble), Denys Magda (Ensemble), Andrew Chadwick (Ensemble), Mathias Meffert (Ensemble), Matthias Knaab (Ensemble), Alexander Wilbert (Ensemble), Niklas Roling (Ensemble)


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