Website Building Resources & Coding Help

Widgets, Games & Interactive Elements For Your Site

  • gifpypet make your own interactive pet for your site
  • virtualobserver's comment widget allow comments to be left on your site (now only works on neocities support accounts)
  • pacman code to add a playable pacman game to your site
  • odditycommoddity's music player add an interactive music player to your site (note you can only upload mp3s to your neocities with a supporter account). this is the music player i use on my homepage.
  • odditycommoddity's sticker bank add images to your site that anyone can click and drag and place around (not-permanently) like placing stickers in a stickerbook
  • smart guestbook | atabook various guestbooks you can add to your site
  • cbox a guuestbook/chatbox you can add to your site. this is the guestbook i use on my homepage.
  • tamaNOTchi a digital tamagotchi-like pet you can grow and evolve and place on your site
  • webneko little pets that when you click on them will follow your cursor around your site
  • boatloadpuzzles a playable daily crossword you can add to your site
  • websiteout | free-website-hit-counter | fc2 counter hit/view/visitor counters
  • pollcode polls that people who visit your site can vote on
  • webdeckplayer's music player
  • navlink ads 180 x 180 ads for other personal websites and hand-coded sites, anyone can sign up to have their site added to the list of ads it cycles through
  • ringlink like navlinks but ads for webrings instead of personal sites
  • neolink 300 x 250 ads for other neocities sites, anyone can sign up to have their site added to the list of ads it cycles through
  • sidelink ads 150 x 450 side banner ads for other neocities sites, anyone can sign up to have their site added to the list of ads it cycles through
  • ladda 100x474 banner ads for other neocities sites, no nsfw sites
  • johnvertisement 722 x 84 banner ads for other websites
  • fc2 clap a cheer button, it's just a counter of how may people click on a button, a way to show appreciation without leaving a comment or guestbook message
  • adilene's music player click on 'resources' then scroll to 'my codes' to find the music player code download
  • tickcounter custom counters, either count up or down in time to a specific day/event
  • formsubmit add submission forms to your website, let people send you images and text to your email via a form
  • Pokémon Orphanage adopt a pokemon
Web Communities: Webrings, Cliques, Pixel Clubs & Misc

this is a masterlist of communities i have found, not a list of ones i'm in. any communites i am in are on my homepage.

when i write somethign is open to 'any site' i mean any hand-coded site (neocities, github, dreamhost, nekoweb, etc), none of these communities typically allow social medias,, rentry, wix, squarebase or similar sites to apply or join.

i'll list here if a community has an age requierment or doesn't allow sites with nsfw content, but a lot have addtional rules and you should always read the rules on their site before applying or joining.

Webrings: a collection of websites, often with something in common or a theme, that are linked together in a circular way (your website links to the next person in the ring, theirs links to the person after them and so on until the last person links back to the first person). a way in ths 90s/2000s to find other peoples websites before search engines became better, however sadly now with search engines it's hard to find any smaller site, so webrings are back.

Cliques: i find it hard to know the difference between cliques and fanlistings but maybe there is? the only difference i can see is just that they call themselves cliques instead of fanlistings, but link all their members in a list like fanlistings do rather than webrings circular way of linking individual members with their buttons. some however do not have a list of members.

Pixel Clubs: a group of users connected by each user making a matching drawing/graphic/image that can be connected too or displayed with the images made by the other members. these are almost always if not always made using a base the club creator will provide for you to edit.

Misc Communities: other communites that don't fit into the other definitions here

  • navlink ads 180 x 180 ads for other personal websites and hand-coded sites, anyone can sign up to have their site added to the list of ads it cycles through
  • linklane a web directory, open since 2004 [no nsfw sites] [english language sites only]
  • list-me a web directory
  • smooth sailing a web directory
  • ringlink like navlinks but ads for webrings instead of personal sites [no nsfw webrings]
  • neolink 300 x 250 ads for other neocities sites, anyone can sign up to have their site added to the list of ads it cycles through
  • tamaNOTchi a digital tamagotchi-like pet you can grow and evolve and place on your site
  • party deck email the creator what you want your card to look like and they'll make it and send it to you
  • swapex trade 88 x 88 icons
  • pocket bishonen catch an anime boy like a pokemon by answering three questions about them. a revival of an older site.
  • adopt a shroom adopt a mushroom to protect your website