He/Him | Vampire | 300~ | Trans Man | Omnisexual
Flirty and confident, Ambrose was willingly turned into a vampire in 1700s Germany by Johann after running away from his family. Soon after, a werewolf, Arden, was sent to capture him who had a change of heart as they bonded over being trans and fell in love.

He/Him | Vampire | Trans Man | Bi DemiAro
Dmitri is a butler and very proud of his job. He enjoys being professional and in charge. His current master has been more than he expected, kind and affectionate, what starts out as taking care of sexual needs eventually becomes more.

He/Him | Vampire | Cis Man | Gay/Vincian
Johann met and married his vampire sire Mathias in Germany in the 1500s. They were happy until a monster-hunter killed Mathias. Much later, Johann offered shelter to Ambrose and became a fatherly mentor to him, before siring him.

He/Him | Vampire | Trans Man | Gay/Vincian
Mathias travelled to Germany in the 1500s where he met and fell in love with Johann. The two of them married and Mathias turned Johann into a vampire. Sadly, some decades later, Mathias was killed by a monster-hunter.

He/Him | Incubus | 30s | Trans Man | Bisexual
Silk is in the top ten creators on Concubite, a site for Concubi to get sexual clients in order to feed off. He's a strict highly-rated dominant, but struggles to make real relationships and let people in. He is Satin's older brother.